Here We Go Again

Oh boy!  Summer vacation is over and school is in session!  I still can’t believe it.

It’s back to actually setting my alarm and resisting the urge to push snooze 7 times…which I failed at miserably this morning.  I had huge plans I would arise early, shower, get ready, wake up the kids, make breakfast, ready scriptures, pack Liam’s lunch, get all the boys dressed and ready, take glorious ‘first day’ pictures and be 10 minutes early to school. 

Reality is…I pushed my snooze one too many times (I mean, who really needs a shower first thing in the morning?), brushed my hair into a ponytail, Liam woke himself up (he was super excited!), fed him breakfast (brownie points to me for making his special pancakes the night before!), packed his lunch (forgot to add a special note), got him dressed/hair done, scrambled to find our traditional chalkboard sign, quickly took ‘first day’ pics, woke up the other boys (who, for the first time ALL summer decided to sleep in!!!) threw them in the double stroller with complete bedhead and pajamas, handed them each a chocolate chip cookie (horrible, I know!), tried to book it up hill with said 90 pound double stroller and ended up at school as the first bell was ringing.  YIKES!!!

The whole morning may have been totally hectic, but Liam had the biggest grin on his face the entire time!  I absolutely love that he loves school.  We are both excited for his new teacher, who happens to have our same last name, and just thrilled we have a wonderful school that is just down the street.

 I just love that sleepy face of his! 
I just can’t handle how handsome this boy is. 
This a poorly composed picture, but I am in love with his shadow!  
He is ready to conquer the world! 

Here’s to a marvelous school year!

Oh, and by the way…check back tomorrow for details on a little back to school GIVEAWAY I’ve got going on! 

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