So, Christmas is put away. And thank goodness for a husband who actually likes to clean on January 1st. When we were very first married we made it an official cleaning/rearranging day and have done it every since. I have been thinking about my blog for a while now…my poor neglected blog that has actually lost readers because it’s so boring around here. Last night I laid awake thinking of what changes I wanted to make around here. So hopefully I can make those happen in the next few weeks and get things up and running again!

And not with poofy hair and purple eyeshadow!
{I so wanted this Barbie head when I was about 6 years old. I actually won a coloring contest at our local Sprouts Ritz (before all the Walmarts came to be) and was granted a $15.00 gift check to use in the store. That darn Barbie head was still too expensive to buy!
And so was the PJ Sprinkles that I had my eye on…but I digress…}